Sneak Peek Gender Testing

What is Sneak Peek Testing?

SneakPeek is an early gender DNA test that determines your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks! SneakPeek looks for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA in mom’s blood. If they’re present, the baby is a boy. If none are found, it’s a girl!

To book:

1. Select the "Sneak Peek Gender Test" under "Our Packages"

2. Click on "Select a time" to pick a time slot then "add to cart" and proceed to checkout.

3. Complete the checkout process and your appointment is booked!

How Does It Work?

  1. Book your appointment online
  2. We collect your sample during your appointment here at Sneak a Peek Boutique and ship it to Sneak Peek Labs for analysis
  3. Your results will be sent to the email address provided upon kit activation(kit activation is done during appointment) Results are usually received within 2-3 days.