Sneak Peek Gender Testing

What is Sneak Peek Testing?
SneakPeek is an early gender DNA test that determines your baby's gender as early as 6 weeks! SneakPeek looks for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA in mom’s blood. If they’re present, the baby is a boy. If none are found, it’s a girl!
To book:
1. Select the "Sneak Peek Gender Test" under "Our Packages"
2. Click on "Select a time" to pick a time slot then "add to cart" and proceed to checkout.
3. Complete the checkout process and your appointment is booked!
How Does It Work?
- Book your appointment online
- We collect your sample during your appointment here at Sneak a Peek Boutique and ship it to Sneak Peek Labs for analysis
- Your results will be sent to the email address provided upon kit activation(kit activation is done during appointment) Results are usually received within 2-3 days.